WheelTribe is an online community of travelers and locals with disabilities, their friends, families, and allies.
Explore with Confidence: Join the Community
The WheelTribe team is working to gather extensive information on the accessibility of the destinations, but we know that nothing compares to firsthand experience.

This is why we are building a community: connecting travelers and locals enriches both, helps with practical information, and fosters a deeper understanding of diverse lifestyles.

Do you love traveling and discovering new places? Are you searching for reliable tips to organize your next adventure? Is accessibility a crucial part of your trip planning?

On WheelTribe you will be able to connect with other passionate travelers and local hosts in our destinations.

Share your experiences and learn from the community to ensure your travels are smooth, enjoyable, safe and that you get the best quality for price.
Help a stranger, become a Local Accessibility Ambassador

Are you an expert on your region, city, or country? Do you have firsthand experience of accessible places to visit, the best wheelchair-friendly restaurants, or the most convenient transportation options? Can you recommend accessible accommodations, or share tips on navigating local attractions and events?

Your insights on everything from accessible hiking trails to adaptive sports, to the best cappuccino in town, can be invaluable to visiting travelers. Then why not help a stranger out?

On WheelTribe, you can become a local accessibility ambassador, connect with other travellers from all over the world, share your expertise - and make new friends.

When does WheelTribe official open?
Sign me up - I want to be the first to try it out!
Are you offering adapted services for travelers with a disability?
We want to hear from you: fill in the short form and tell us more about what you offer, and how your services are adapted for people with a disability.
All accessible and inclusive businesses have a free spot in WheelTribe to showcase their services!